Ready to soothe your inflamed Nervous System?

Overcome the dysregulation that’s destroying your nervous system. Release emotions trapped deep in your body, from stress and anxiety to anger and resentment. Learn to access your inner well-spring of peace & stillness with just a few simple shifts. We’ll do this all together.

Does this sound familiar?

You’re perpetually stressed out, anxious, moody, easily irritated

You struggle with ruminating thoughts, brain fog, poor concentration

You’re easily overwhelmed or flooded by big emotions

You’re flat-out exhausted, in chronic pain, or are sore or tight throughout your body

You’re plagued by gut problems (like IBS), intense food cravings, skin conditions (like rosacea), or autoimmune issues

Nodding your head along?

You have an inflamed nervous system,
trapped in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight

students and counting…

We’re here to tell you that it doesn't have to be this way

 Join Reset to Release: 30 Days of Nervous System Healing

This powerful, strategic program walks you through the steps you need to take to calm and regulate your frazzled nervous system. It then locks in this sense of well-being using awareness-based shifts designed to secure long-term healing.

Science-backed and art-minded, Reset to Release is built upon a sturdy foundation of evidence-based practices that draw from:


Mindfulness meditation

Somatic movement

Zero bullsh*t

Now imagine:

  • Automatically soothing & regulating your nervous system when flooded or triggered (rather than being gripped by anxiety, fear, or anger)

  • Enjoying a deep sense of peace & calm as your default state (rather than one of perpetual stress or agitation)

  • Feeling loose, free, and light in your body, relaxing into being rather than feeling the urge to control

  • Feeling energized and eager for the day to unfold 

  • Radiating and attracting a tranquil, joyful energy

More than 1000+
happy students

"I was dealing with unreal levels of anxiety trying to juggle motherhood and work. I was resentful, sad, angry, super controlling. I felt like I didn’t have any extra ‘space’ to live my life, or like I had earned the right. I first had to ‘get’ somewhere or achieve something before I was worthy — thoughts that just fueled my anger and resentment, jacking up my nervous system’s reactivity. I needed a change, and this was it. My whole way of relating to my moment-to-moment experiences has changed. It’s truly extraordinary."

Sophia, Cohasset, MA

"I didn't know what to expect, but I'm so happy I decided to get Frances's program... I am so much less anxious and I'm even sleeping better… I had such intense social anxiety at work and would become almost incapacitated during work meetings... It's unbelievably empowering to know that I have the right tools in my back pocket to use when things get tough.”

Delia Garcia, Miami

Get immediate access to:

30 Nervous System Practices

Watch your well-being soar with these 30 audio-based practices to soothe your inflamed nervous system. Each is between 10 and 20 minutes long (for a total of over 6 hours) and focuses on one of 6 shifts: Breath, Body, Energy, Awareness, Center of Gravity, and Vision. That way, your nervous system can be attended to from multiple angles.

Worksheets & Reflection Questions

A series of powerful worksheets and trackers help guide you along the way. Multiple-point check-ins and assessments help you determine your goals, see how your journey has progressed, and identify areas for growth. Insightful questions for reflection get you thinking about your self-image, inner emotional landscape, and place in this world.

Frameworks for limitless well-being

Discover my signature “PARE” practice for when you’re triggered or flooded (also known as amygdala hijacking) as well as my daily “SOBO” approach to help keep you gently oriented on the path of well-being. Also receive pep-talk support to help you as your work through the program.

Nervous System eBook Guide

Get practical, easy-to-understand information about how chronic stress and unresolved trauma impact your nervous system. Discover your unique stress response and how negative emotions become trapped in the body through the workings of the mind-body connection. Ideal for those who like to have a written guide to reference. (30+ pages)

Yoga Nidra for the Nervous System

This powerful full-length yoga nidra meditation can be called upon whenever you need to attend to your frazzled nervous system. It acts like a soothing balm for the mind-body, easing irritation and quieting activation while also nourishing and restoring. 

The 6 Shifts*

The 6 Shifts*

Q: What the heck are the 6 shifts?

A: A unique, multi-angle approach to healing your nervous system

Each of the 30 nervous system practices focus on one of the “6 Shifts.” These shifts have been strategically developed to attend to your nervous system from multiple angles.

This holistic approach is one of the biggest factors that sets Reset to Release apart from other programs.

01. Breath

Harness the fastest and most direct portal for calming your nervous system while nourishing every single cell of your being.

02. Body

Release habituated movement patterns that mimic the stress response, relax muscular tension, and overcome emotional holding.

03. Energy

Open blockages and move stale and stagnant energy through the body; tap into specific meridians to target physical and emotional issues.

04. Awareness

Shift from a narrow frame of mind to one that is expansive, still, and interconnected—the key for deep and abiding peace and well-being.

05. Center of Gravity

Utilize the five senses to anchor yourself in moments of intense stress as well as to connect to the unparalleled effervescence of presence.

06. Visual

Recalibrate your visual system to foster greater nervous system health and regulation.

Calming your nervous system is important. But it’s not the whole story.

To change states to traits, you need to reset your very foundation, deepening presence through somatic awareness.

Say goodbye to the amygdala hijack.

Get ready for profound change in just 30 days.

Q: Why 30 days?

A: 30 days is the sweet spot.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, it takes an average of 18 days for a new behavior to become automatic. Now, the time it takes to form a habit depends on the person (and, say, their level of motivation) + the complexity of the habit.

With that in mind, 30 days should offer enough time for most students to fall into a groove with this program’s nervous system practices and to internalize the beneficial effects of these practices.

The habit we’re forming is the wat in which our nervous system automatically reacts to a stressor; said another way, we’re reconditioning stimuli-response behaviors to prioritize calm & composure.

30 days also offers you enough time to sample a wide range of practices and to find those that best fit your personality, preferences, interests, and circumstances. Cheers to that!!

Q: Why Reset to Release?

A: It’s not another band-aid. It gets to the very heart of your challenges for enduring healing.

Reset to Release is unique in that it utilizes evidence-based techniques borrowed from neuroscience, mindfulness meditation, and somatic movement theory to calm the nervous system.

Unlike other programs, it then locks in the impressive strides you make using awareness-based shifts in perspective to ensure long-term, enduring healing and well-being.

The approach underpinning the course is a passion of mine. I live, breath, and sleep its basic precepts. As a result, Reset to Release is also a living, breathing project that I am constantly updating to reflect new research and to make it the very best it can be.

I’ve also been told that my voice is very soothing!

This is for you if you:

  • Yearn for freedom from the emotional reactivity, anxiety, stress, and overwhelm that’s holding your joy and behavior hostage

  • Are ready to upgrade the software of your nervous system by embracing the 6 shifts outlined in this program: Breath, Body, Energy, Awareness, Center of Gravity, Vision

  • Can commit to practicing for 30 days. You don’t have to practice for 30 consecutive days — every 2 to 3 days is fine, too. But you need to maintain consistency to see the benefits of this program compound most effectively!

  • Are prepared to experience something totally different, new, and bliss-inducing while also learning a ton about yourself.

This isn’t for you if:

You are looking for medical advice. I am not a doctor and this program does not offer medical advice or treatment. 

Your circumstances require the help of a qualified medical professional or therapist. Please take care of yourself!

You don’t like to try new things. 

Get the Heal & Glow anti-inflammation guide, free!

Reset to Release helps you tackle inflammation of the nervous system that results in physical and emotional dysregulation. Continue to manage inflammation in the body with the Heal & Glow Protocol & Tracker! This bundle includes:

A Guide to understanding inflammation, including causes and symptoms

6 Protocols for addressing inflammation: Diet, Blood-Sugar Balance, Gut Health, Detoxification, Sleep, and Stress Management

Inflammation Tracker to track symptoms and stay accountable to healthy anti-inflammatory habits

This bundle is valued at
$97 (yours, free)

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Reset to Release is game-changing because it approaches a dysregulated nervous system (stress, anxiety, fatigue, ruminating thoughts, overwhelm, autoimmune issue, etc.) as well as the imprint of traume from both a top-down and a bottom-up approach. It takes a different angle, one that's not well known or often talked about within conventional methods of treating mind-body imbalances and dysregulation. If you're feeling stuck and frustrated, this program is for you.

  • No. I am not a doctor or a therapist. This program is purely informational and does no offer medical advice, treatment, diagnosis, or therapy of any kind. If you have any questions about your health situation, please speak to you trusted medical provider. And take care of yourself!

  • Each practice is between 10 and 20 minutes, with most falling in the middle; there is also a daily 5-minute before and after journaling activity u can do a practice every day, over the course of 30 days, or you can space them out as you'd like. After working through the sessions sequentially, you can return to a specific session whenever you feel called to do so.

  • As this is a digital product and cannot be "returned" like a physical product, refunds can be tricky. That said, please email me if you have any issues or concerns at I want you to be happy, and I want this program to serve you as you need — I make that guarantee to you.

have any other questions?
contact me and I'll be happy to answer.

Meet your guide, Frances Clark


Hello and welcome! Among the many hats I wear, I am also an educator and yoga nidra (NSDR) teacher. After years of struggling with high-functioning anxiety, disordered eating, and emotional dysregulation (hello, anger issues!), I've discovered a set of powerful tools that have completely transformed my life. 

I trained as a social scientist and earned my M.Sc., after which I worked in academic publishing. I love deep-diving into cutting-edge research to help make better sense of our lives — and to make our lives better.

Thanks for being here, for your interest, and your readiness to make a change!

Dial in your sense of calm. This is your moment.

For less than the cost of a single 1:1 therapy session, this 30-day program can be yours. You can also return to it again and again, as often as you feel called to re-attune, recalibrate, and come home to yourself.

For less than the cost of a single therapy session, these 30 days of healing can be yours.

Start soothing your inflamed nervous system with simple, effective, life-changing tools.