11 Habits of High Vibe Attractive People

You know those people who walk in and instantly command the attention of an entire room? I’m sure you’ve been in their high vibe presence before.

She’s magnetic, you can’t take your eyes off her. When you speak to her, she’s fully engaged and you fall. right. in.

I’ve always been fascinated by these types of people. What exactly makes them so attractive? How can they be so damn magnetic? Today, I'm breaking down their high vibe habits for you so that you can start to implement them in your own life.

But first: Not all of her secrets come down to appearance, as I’m sure you’ve already realized. 

In fact, let me be clear though. This post is NOT about achieving idealized beauty standards or about trying to draw people to you for the sake of attention, maybe even supressing your own needs in the process.

No, it’s about:

  • putting out positive energy so that you can attract it in return
  • creating meaningful connections with others
  • discovering who you are and what drives you 
  • feeling confident and happy in your own skin

Want to become authentically more attractive and, in the process, more magnetic? Read on for the 11 high vibe habits to get you there.

11 Habits of High Vibe People

First of all, what the heck does it mean to be a high vibe person? To my mind, having a "high vibe" meanings radiating positive energy and vibrations. And it takes a lot of internal work to get there.

1. They Listen

Due in large part to the go-go-go, multi-tasking nature of the world these days (exacerbated by our digital devices and the internet), our listening skills have taken a big hit. Let's just say... we're distracted.

So when someone does tune closely into what we're saying, we feel seen, heard, understood, and validated. It satisfies a basic need in us — belonging — and it sparks a powerful sense of connection. Being a good listener makes you infinitely more attractive.

Make eye contact with the person who’s speaking to help you hold your focus and tune out all other distractions. Engage with them and give positive feedback — by nodding, tilting your head, “mmm-hmmming” — but don’t jump in to try to relate their story back to you. There’s a time and a place for this. Ask questions instead.

Listening not only makes you more attractive, it deepens your connection with the person you’re speaking with and leads to a more fulfilling interaction.

2. They’re Confident

Ask 10 people what makes others attractive and I’m sure 9 of them will say “confidence.” It’s a near-universally appealing trait.

Confident people find their happiness from within; it’s not derived from what people think of them.

They’re willing to acknowledge their own flaws as much as their own accomplishments and successes and will stick their necks out to maximize an opportunity. Fear doesn’t hold them back. They know what they want.

When you boost your confidence, you boost those compelling high vibe vibrations that bring others to you.

A high vibe woman with a beautiful, authentic smile

3. They Practice Gratitude

Attractive people are very often grateful for the things they have or that exist around them. They focus on the positive when they feel overwhelmed or stressed out and use setbacks constructively, as learning experiences for moving forward.

Their gratitude also extends to others. How attractive is it when someone expresses thanks to you or to others around you? VERY. It shows a level of care — of sympathy and even empathy — that we all want in friends and potential partners.

A powerful way to cultivate gratitude (even if you have a super busy life) is to practice guided meditations. Check out my article on the best meditations apps for beginners here.

4. But They Also Don’t Give 2 F*cks

We’ve established that attractive people are good listeners, confident, and grateful. But they also care about themselves and stick to their guns.

If something or someone isn’t serving them or isn’t upholding a higher good, they’re going to walk away. They know when to draw the line and say no, and they’re not going to feel guilty doing so.

Conviction is sexy.

5. They Have Open Body Language

One way to instantly make yourself more attractive is through body language. Stand up straight, uncross your arms and legs, and take your hands out of your pockets. Doing so will make you appear attentive, open, and available — all qualities associated with attractiveness.

Also, make eye contact, and speak audibly and clearly. If you’re not clearly communicating, you’re shunting your ability to be magnetic.

How you hold yourself and communicate with others is a gamechanger. Don’t shrink or close yourself up — open up and radiate.

If you’re comfortable doing so and the context is right, you may even consider reaching out and gently touching your partner's arm. Ooo lala.

6. They Accentuate and Go Bold

We are all beautiful. Truly.

Pick one of your favorite features and amplify it. This will not only highlight your beauty but also help form a signature look that will make you more memorable.

My favorite example of this is a showstopping bright red lip. I think it can be even more powerful when someone wears it “dressed down” in jeans and sneakers. 

But what if you don’t wear makeup? I have a friend who doesn’t — but she does wear 4-inch heels. And at 5’9”, she’s already tall to begin with. Her presence silences a crowd.

But you don’t have to go for makeup and heels or clothes, which I realize might be too normative for some and outside the comfort range for others. Other options include statement earrings or embracing your wild, curly hair, for example.

Bold equals confidence, and confidence equals attractiveness.

7. They Move Their Bodies

Exercise makes you more attractive, but not for the reason you might think I’m going to give.

Yes, exercise can help you keep weight off. And, in a society that glorifies — even fetishizes — thinness, being slender is associated was being beautiful.

That’s not where I’m going with this. The point I want to emphasize is that exercise can promote body positivity and a high vibe energy by making you feel strong, healthy, and revitalized. This, in turn, boosts your confidence (a key element in what makes a person attractive).

Also, taking care of yourself is a massive turn-on for people. We want to know that others take care of themselves and that their personal health is at the forefront of their mind.

Also, good health is associated with fertility, but that's a different ball of wax...

A high vibe woman with beautiful natural hair

8. They Smile

Ugh, we’ve all been in that situation where some random guy has told us to “smile, sweetie.” Sorry, we’re not going to smile for you, dude. What you’re asking us to do is suppress our own autonomy in favor of your needs and desires. Not gonna happen.

If we’re going to smile, we’re smiling for reasons of our own choosing. We’re smiling because we’re happy. We’re smiling to attract the right energy, both from within (smiling boosts your mood!) and from the things around us (skeezy types not included, thank you very much).

But if you want to smile, science has shown that it is equated with increased attractiveness. Researchers in Switzerland ran two experiments and discovered that “the stronger the smile, the more attractive a face looked.”

Smiling and attractiveness, they concluded, were directly correlated. Sounds pretty high vibe to me!

9. They Remember Little Things

Attractive people remember things about other people. This habit is related to their stellar listening skills.

How taken aback are you (in a good way) when someone you've only know casually or for a brief time asks you how you liked the recent bestselling book you’d been reading a few months back, now that you’re probably finished with it? Or how your grandma, who’d broken her hip, is doing following her surgery?

You marvel at their interest in you and feel like the center of the world for a moment — a feeling that will stick with you. Attractive people make you feel seen.

10. They Have a Passion

Attractive people often have a passion for something that fuels them. Maybe it’s related to their job — they love teaching middle-schoolers, for example. Or maybe they have a hobby they’re obsessed with, like watercoloring or biking or cooking. Or maybe the center of their life is a niece or nephew.

No matter what it is, there’s something in their world they gets them really excited. They are all in. Such a concentrated about of attention and care necessarily cultivates a high vibe energy within them.

This level of passion in something makes someone attractive because it makes them exciting, ambitious, even powerful. Their passion is infectious and mesmerizing.

11. They Laugh

Laugher doesn’t just boost your mood (by releasing feel-good hormones) and reduce stress, it also makes you sexy.

According to research, women tend to prefer men who are funny and have a sense of humor, while men prefer women who laugh at their jokes.

Before you roll your eyes at what seems like another cliché, one of the researchers, Dr. Eric Bressler, suspects that both men and women value a sense of humor in their partners. As Nature explains, however, “they might be looking for slightly different things: women valuing an ability to be funny and men valuing an ability to see the joke.”

So get down with your bad self and laugh a little. Maybe even throw in a joke or two. Your high vibe energy will make your partner feel amazing, and your attractiveness quotient will skyrocket like a shooting star.

In Sum: Cultivating High Vibe Habits

To become the most attractive, high vibe version of yourself, you have to incorporate these high vibe habits into your daily routine: being a good listener, embrace your inner confidence, find gratitude, stay true to your guns, maintain open body language, make a memorable visual statement, move your body, remember the little things, have a passion, and smile and laugh.

None of this can work, however, if you don’t stay true to who you are. There’s nothing sexy about inauthenticity or sublimating your own needs.


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