110 Healthy Habits that Will Improve Your Life

Looking to form better habits that will help you become a happier, healthier, more awesome version of your (already pretty awesome) self? Yes! Sign me up, you say!

The great news is that you don't need to do a massive overhaul to see huge improvements in your life. Even picking up a few new healthy habits, no matter how small, can have a massive impact, shifting your mindset and lifting your confidence.

Below, I’ve outlined a list of 110 healthy habits that you can start working on today!


But First... What's a Habit? And How Do I Start One?

First though, let’s talk about what a habit actually is. Habits are learned behaviors that become automatic — we do them without even thinking. They begin with a signal or trigger that we then respond to in order to receive a reward, such as relief, pleasure, comfort, energy, and so on.

A morning cup of coffee (mmmm...) is a habit that many of us enjoy: our alarm goes off, we feel groggy, we crave the sensation of feeling alert, we make and drink the coffee, and presto, we’re awake!

While some positive habits are fairly easy to pick up, others take a bit of work (as do bad habits that we’re trying to break!). 

Atomic Habits

In his groundbreaking book Atomic Habits, author James Clear explains that habits to build healthy habits you need to make a conscious effort to insert these cues into your life.

ENVIRONMENT. One way to do this is by changing your environment. Want to reach for fruit and veggies instead of junk food when you’re looking for a snack? Leave them out on the table where you can see them. Trying to be more productive when you work? Put a timer in front of your computer as a reminder to stay focused and work in sprints.

INTENTIONALITY. Another recommendation Clear offers is to use “implementation intentions.” These intentions involve a clear plan of action that will help you build your desired habit. You have to get specific, identifying when, where, and how you’ll accomplish your plan.

Don’t just say “I’m going to finish a 5k in three months.” Say, “I’m going to finish a 5k in three months by running for 30 minutes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. On Mondays and Wednesdays I’ll do strength training in my living room for 15 minutes with the weights I just bought. On Sundays I’ll stretch my legs by going on a leisurely walk.”

POSITIVE ASSOCIATIONS. What if you don’t love exercising (at least right now)? You have to create positive associations. Make your runs the only time you allow yourself to listen to your favorite podcast or album, for example. Over time, your brain will start to create a pleasurable connection with running.

2-MINUTE RULE. Finally, start small and keep things manageable. Clear recommends using the 2-minute rule, which he adapted from David Allen, author of the bestselling book Getting Things Done.

For this rule, you do the activity you want to turn into a habit for just 2 minutes. As you get into it, you might find that you want to keep going. It’s a handy trick that’ll help you overcome your resistance.

OK, on to the healthy habits that will improve your life!

A smiling woman surrounded by pink cherry blossoms

110 Healthy Habits to Elevate YOU

  1. Wake up early...within reason
  2. Practice gratitude
  3. Practice mindfulness
  4. Repeat affirmations to yourself every day
  5. Practice breathwork
  6. Read more
  7. Never stop learning
  8. Get your heart rate up every day (move your body!)
  9. Stretch every morning (or whenever you need a pick me up)
  10. Walk whenever possible
  11. Drink more water
  12. Use Mindful Drinking to drink less alcohol
  13. In the words of Michael Pollan: “Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much.”
  14. Go outside, breath in the fresh air, get your daily dose of vitamin D
  15. Take your vitamins
  16. Eat omega-3 fatty acids for brain health
  17. Introduce superfoods into your diet
  18. Choose whole foods over processed foods
  19. Choose whole grains over refined grains
  20. Prep or plan your meals
  21. Eat produce that’s in season
  22. Buy organic produce that’s on the “dirty dozen” list
  23. See the beauty all around you
  24. Practice intuitive eating
  25. Follow a morning routine
  26. Follow an evening routine
  27. Meditate
  28. Keep a journal
  29. Get regular pap smears
  30. Schedule regular medical check ups
  31. Visit the dentist every six months
  32. Floss every day
  33. Choose pasture-raised eggs and meat
  34. Eat slowly
  35. Use an air purifier
  36. Air out your home every day for at least 15 minutes
  37. Use a water purifier
  38. Implement a cleaning schedule
  39. Make your bed every morning
  40. Change your sheets once per week
  41. Live with plants
  42. Eat less sugar
  43. Start a 401k (and regularly put money into it)
  44. Start an emergency fund (and regularly put money into it)
  45. Stop ruminating over the past
  46. Regularly set yourself a new goal
  47. Don’t look at your phone for the first hour of the day
  48. Don’t look at your phone for the last hour of the day
  49. Unfollow social media accounts that make you feel bad
  50. Spend less time on Instagram and TikTok
  51. Cut ties with people who bring you down
  52. Build muscle through strength-training (body-weight exercises count!)
  53. Don’t do anything in your bed except sleep (and have sex)
  54. Organize your life
  55. Don’t give in to impulse buys
  56. Donate your old clothes and shoes
  57. Practice authentic self-care (a bubble bath is great, but it may not be enough)
  58. Prioritize yourself and your needs
  59. Implement a regular digital detox (one day a week, two weekends a month...)
  60. Practice yoga
  61. Wear sunscreen
  62. Have a skincare routine
  63. Know what’s in your beauty products (and choose wisely)
  64. Learn when to say no
  65. Stop using single-use plastic
  66. Compost your biodegradable waste
  67. Recycle plastic, glass, and paper
  68. Choose sustainable brands
  69. Do regular brain dumps
  70. Block your time to maximize productivity
  71. Take 5-minute breaks for every thirty minutes of work
  72. Let go of things that don’t serve you
  73. Watch less TV
  74. Don’t smoke... or vape
  75. Work on good posture
  76. Smile to improve your mood
  77. Find the positive when possible
  78. Don’t sweat the small stuff
  79. Embrace aging (“Growing old is a privilege denied to many”)
  80. Enjoy the company of your friends and family
  81. Check in regularly with your own mental health
  82. Get dressed every day
  83. Swap your coffee for matcha or green tea (L-Theanine is queen)
  84. Wash your face before bed
  85. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep every night
  86. Don’t be too hard on yourself
  87. Laugh when you spill milk (or anything)
  88. Hug and kiss your babies (or fur babies) as often as possible
  89. Take the stairs
  90. Pursue a hobby
  91. Live in the present
  92. Imagine others as children
  93. Don’t be too quick to judge
  94. Take responsibility for your actions
  95. Moisturize your neck and backs of your hands
  96. Buy well-fitting bras
  97. Push yourself to be the best you can be
  98. Get your moles checked regularly
  99. Stop eating hard candy (your dentist will thank you)
  100. Limit caffeine
  101. Count colors, not calories (or macros, etc.)
  102. Have safe sex
  103. Lean in
  104. Have a growth mindset
  105. Surround yourself with positive people
  106. Try new things
  107. Accept invitations
  108. Define who you are and the things around you for yourself (don’t let others do it for you)
  109. Stop saying sorry (when there’s nothing to be sorry about)
  110. As scary as it may seem, choose honesty


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