Powerful Positive Affirmations for Kids

When we think about positive affirmations for kids, we often imagine confidence-boosting things our children can repeat to themselves. These might include "I am enough," "I love being me," "I believe in myself," and so on.

Encouraging your child to practice affirmations in this way deeply nurtures their overall emotional wellbeing and resilience, including their sense of self-confidence and worthiness.

There is, however, another powerful way to use positive affirmations in your kid's life that will boost the positive impact of their own self-led "inner work."

Let's talk about parent-led positive affirmations for kids and the powerful influence they can have in our children's lives.

parent-led affirmations for kids happy child in a field

First, consider a little thought experiment.

How did your child first learned to soothe herself? That's right: Through you. Your child learned to soothe herself by being soothed by you. Same goes for a whole host of other skills both emotional and practical.

By that same token, a child learns to speak to herself in a kind, positive, and reassuring way by being spoken to in a kind, positive, and reassuring way by you, the parent.

Said another way: How a parent talks to a child becomes how a child talks to herself

Read that again. Let it sink in. 

I'm sure many of you already speak in loving ways to your children and tell them regularly that you love them. But there are other things you can say out loud that help reinforce what you're feeling with your heart but might not be vocalizing with words.

A Note on Healing Your Own Inner Child

If you were spoken down to or manipulated as a child, your inner voice as an adult likely engages in negative self-talk, continuing the false story that a “caregiver” told you about yourself. The repercussions of being spoken to this way are extensive, and include everything from damaged self-confidence, issues with codependency, and feelings of unworthiness when it comes to certain things in life, including love, affection, and success. 

Fortunately, we can break that cycle of negative self-talk through positive affirmations that repair the wounds suffered by our inner child using positive affirmations for kids.

So share these affirmations for kids with your child. And say them to yourself.

In fact, say these affirmations to yourself even if you weren’t subjected to poor treatment. They will empower you as a person, but also as a parent, giving you the tools to raise a self-confident, happy child.

30+ Positive Affirmations for Kids (Parent-Recited Reminders)

You are more than good enough.

I am on your team.

You are loved, even in your hardest moments.

I love you for who you are, not what you do.

I will always love you, no matter what.

You are worthy because of what's inside of you, not outside.

I respect your boundaries. You know how you feel and what you need better than anyone else.

It’s okay to be exactly who you are.

You don't have to be the best at _______. You are not your achievements. I am proud of you regardless. 

I understand what you’re saying, and I accept you.

No matter what you’re feeling, I can handle it. I am here for you.

Your thoughts and feelings matter to me.

You are not, and never could be, a burden to me.

This is a hard moment for you. I am here for you. 

You can do great things. I believe in you.

You are enough.

You are worthy of love.

I’ll never leave you. I will always be here for you. 

I admire you for your kindness.

I hear you, and I trust you. 

You are special in so many different ways.

It’s okay to fully feel the feelings inside your body. Let’s breathe together.

You are listening to your body and that's great. You are in charge of it, not me or anyone else.

It’s okay to make mistakes. We aren’t born knowing how to do everything.

I see what a big challenge this is for you. You can do hard things.

Mistakes mean you’re human. Mistakes mean you’re trying – and learning something new!

You are safe. I am your safe place.

You don’t have to earn my love.

You don’t have to take care of me. My feelings are not your responsibility. 

It’s okay to feel how you feel.

I hope these positive affirmations for kids uplift, inspire, and soothe both your child and you.

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