My Honest Modern Fertility Review (vs Everlywell vs Let’s Get Checked fertility tests)

Today, I’m reviewing Modern Fertility — and comparing it with reviews of Everlywell's Women's Fertility Test and Let's Get Checked Fertility Test — in order to help you determine which of the best at-home fertility tests is right for you.

Where are you on your fertility journey?

I’m on the cusp of 37 and have started trying to get pregnant with my second child. (My first was conceived and born when I was 33.) If and when I get pregnant, I will be considered a "geriatric pregnancy" in medical lingo. Insulting, but there you have it. 

As many of you already know, fertility really starts to tank at the age of 35. So good timing, me.

And while age is certainly a factor when it comes to an individual’s fertility, there are tons of others as well: PCOS, endometriosis, genetics, lifestyle habits (i.e., smoking, diet), and chemical exposure, etc.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in the United States, around 1 in 8 couples have difficulty getting or staying pregnant. Drilling down deeper, about 10 percent of women between the ages of 15 to 44 have difficulty getting or staying pregnant — that’s over 6 million people. 

The Black Box of Fertility

Up until recently, fertility was a something of a black box. If you were concerned about your fertility, you had to fly blind and ask your doctor to run a panel of tests, despite not knowing which tests might be important or relevant. Or you had to go to go knocking on the door of a fertility clinic; with only 450 such clinics in the United States, you might not have one local to you. This is to say nothing of cost.

Both options can run you thousands of dollars.

Take Modernity Fertility’s founder Afton Vechery, who struggled to get her doctor to run some simple blood tests so she could gain some insight into her fertility and menstrual cycle. She got the fertility tests... but then when she got the bill, she discovered she'd have to shell out over $1,000.

Fortunately, thanks to the rise of FemTech, people struggling to conceive now have access to powerful resources that can help them both understand and take charge of their fertility, increasing their chances of conceiving and staying pregnant. 

Because of my maternal age and the fact that my own mother went through early menopause (around the age I am now!), I decided to take the bull by the horns and get a better picture of my own fertility.

In my extensive research, I homed in on three incredibly promising and exciting companies that offered at-home fertility tests: Modern Fertility vs Everlywell Women's Fertility Test vs Let's Get Checked Fertility Test.

modern fertility review

I'm not going to leave you hanging, I think Modern Fertility's Hormone Test is by far the best service for women. That said, I do think Everlywell and Let's Get Checked are valuable options and may be a better fit for some, for reasons I'll get into below.

First, though, who should take a fertility test?

Literally, anyone who thinks that might want to become pregnant at some point in their life should take a fertility test.

Even if you’re in your early 20s or don’t want to have kids for another 5, 10, or even 15 years, taking a fertility test could mean the difference between a future baby or not. Why? Because it gives you intel into your reproductive hormones and raises any red flags you may need to consider.

Because of the relationship between genetics and infertility, you might want to take a fertility test if there are others in your family who have struggled with infertility.

A fertility test could also be useful if your menstrual cycle has recently changed, such as in duration (longer, shorter) or in flow (lighter, heavier).

OK, on to my Modern Fertility review.

Modern Fertility

I fell in love with Modern Fertility at first click. It's true. As soon as I clicked onto their website, I thought:

This is exactly what I need.

That’s because I was immediately asked to take a quiz about my age, situation, and goals. 

Modern Fertility understands that one size DOES NOT fit all. Every woman is different, and not just in terms of biology and menstrual cycle but also in terms of life goals, needs, and desires.

Their emphasis on personalization and their conscientiousness when it comes to accompanying you through the steps of your journey really resonated with me. They explain things to you, but they also ask you questions.

Modern Fertility offers:

  • Hormone Test
  • Ovulation Tests
  • Pregnancy Tests
  • App (with ovulation and period tracker)
  • Prenatal vitamins (gummies) NEW!

modern fertility at home fertility test

Breakdown of the Modern Fertility Hormone Test

The Hormone Test is Modern Fertility's signature offer, and it’s truly unique.

Their fertility test analyzes a sample of your blood and is tailored to the type of birth control you use, should you use any.*

The 7 hormones analyzed include:

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
AMH is the most important hormone for testing ovarian reserve — that is, how many eggs you have left. It is released by the cells surrounding your ovarian follicles.

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
This is a newer addition to the Hormone Test, and a super important one. Your thyroid health, which is regulated by TSH, can make or break your chances of getting pregnant.

Free Thyroxine (fT4)
Like TSH, fT4 plays an important role in thyroid health, hence why Modern Fertility tests it. 

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
FSH is responsible for triggering ovulation. The production of too much FSH can result in “ovarian failure” (ah, more unforgiving medical lingo). Women nearing menopause often experience a rise in FSH levels. 

Estradiol (E2)
E2 is a sex hormone that can occasionally make it difficult to detect high levels of FSH. This is why Modern Fertility likes to test the two together. They have your back, I mean ovaries, covered. (Dad jokes all around today.)

PRL stimulates the production of breast milk after your baby is born, halting ovulation. (Gosh, your hormones are truly involved in the most complicated yet beautiful dance.)

Luteinizing Hormone
LH is produced by your pituitary gland and determines the length of your menstrual cycle. 

*If you are not on birth control, your Modern Fertility Hormone Test will analyze Free Thyroxine, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Estradiol, Prolactin, and Luteinizing Hormone. If you are on birth control, it won’t. 

If you want to know what your results might look like, check out co-founder Afton’s results here (excerpt below).

OK, Great! But what can these hormones tell me?

Oh baby, they can tell you so much!

  • First: for each hormone tested, you’ll be able to drill down deeper into your results, with Modern Fertility providing personalized “takeaways” based on your levels. 
  • Because you'll learn about your "egg reserve" and if you have more or fewer than average for your age, you can start to plan ahead. Modern Fertility will offer you physician-led tips for how you might navigate next steps.
  • Modern Fertility's Hormone Test can even tell you more about your egg-freezing or IVF outcomes. Through the magic of science, Modern Fertility's physicians will help you understand if you’d collect more or fewer eggs than average in these procedures.

Check out Modern Fertility’s conversation with Dr. Julie Lamb on the topic of freezing your eggs:

  • The test can detect whether or not you might have PCOS, among other conditions. About 10 percent of women live with PCOS, which impacts hormones and can result in skipped periods and difficulty getting pregnant.
  • As I mentioned above, knowing the state of your thyroid health can give you more insight into your ovulation. Your thyroid also affects your energy, weight, mood, and skin.
    • Because of my family history, my thyroid was tested following the birth of my first child and we discovered that it was totally on the fritz. If I wasn’t on medication for my hypothyroidism (which is safe during breastfeeding and pregnancy), it’s possible it might have contributed to fertility struggles with my hoped-for second. 
  • The test will also offer you insights into your reproductive timeline, and if you might be at risk for early menopause. 

How does the Modern Fertility Hormone Test work?

Step One.

First, you have to order a test kit. A doctor will review your request so that your kit is personalized based on your method of birth control.

You get to choose a kit that you can perform at home, by yourself, or a kit that you can take to your local QuestDiagnostics lab.

Step Two.

When your kit arrives, if you ordered the home kit, you’ll need to collect the blood sample yourself. Don’t freak out! It’s really quite simple and only requires a pin prick on your finger. If you order the lab kit, you’ll go to QuestDiagnostics, where they’ll do a standard blood draw for you.

In case you're wondering, in clinical studies, the finger prick mode is just as accurate as a standard blood draw at a lab.

In order to receive accurate test results, you'll need to conduct the test on the third day of your period. Reproductive hormones fluctuate throughout your menstrual cycle. You'll need to capture them at the moment when doctors consider them baseline (i.e., day 3).

Step Three.

You then send your sample back to Modern Fertility’s lab, where it will be analyzed and the results reviewed by a doctor. The results will then be sent directly to your Modern Fertility dashboard within 10 days of the lab receiving the sample. On average, however, the turnaround time is much faster — closer to 4 days. 

If you're interested in learning more about how a sample is collecting, check out Michel Janse's video diary below, in which she walks us through her hormone testing journey with Modern Fertility. It's one of the many strong reviews of Modern Fertility you'll find across the world wide web.

What are my options after I receive my test results?

After you receive the results of your Hormone Test, you can do any number of things:

  1. Download your results so that you can share and discuss them with your personal physician or OBGYN.
  2. Have a one-to-one consultation with one of Modern Fertility’s expert reproductive-health nurses.
  3. Join the weekly seminar series that Modern Fertility hosts so that you can get further insights into your results.
  4. Connect with the Modern Community, where members and expert staffers are constantly discussing results, research, health-planning, and more. 

If you decide that your next steps involve contacting a fertility clinic to discuss fertility treatment, Modern Fertility offers you information about what to expect in this helpful interview with Dr. Rashmi Kudesia:

Modern Fertility in Review: Pros and Cons of their Hormone Fertility Test


  • At $159, the price is affordable and competitive. This type of blood work at a fertility clinic could cost you thousands of dollars. This test is a bargain. 
  • Modern Fertility simplifies and streamlines access to information about YOUR OWN BODY.
  • The company's tests were developed by physicians and clinical advisors at today’s leading fertility clinics.
  • Your sample will be tested in a CLIA-certified lab. CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) is the branch of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that regulates all laboratory testing on humans and ensures quality medical testing. This is the trusted standard in the medical field.
  • A board-certified physician with Modern Fertility reviews your results before they are shared with you. 
  • The resources the company offers are outstanding. Once your results are ready, MF has resources — from doctors to nurses to seminars and papers — that will help you turn your test results into actionable next steps. 
  • Unlike other companies offering fertility tests, Modern Fertility has built up an incredible support community. You can connect with other people like you, going through similar experiences, to both offer and receive support and advice. 
  • The test analyzes more hormones than any other single direct-to-consumer at-home fertility test on the market.
  • The test can be taken at home, or, if you’re squeamish about blood, at a lab.
  • The test is user-friendly, as is the app and online interface.
  • The company practices inclusivity and offers support for same-sex couples as well as trans individuals looking to conceive. 
  • Modern Fertility is HIPPA-compliant, meaning your privacy (medical and otherwise) is protected.
  • Thousands of glowing MF reviews and testimonials from women like you (doubly) ensure you're in good hands.


  • The test is not covered by health insurance.
    • You can, however, pay for it using your FSA and HSA accounts.
  • The test can give you insight into your fertility but not solve your fertility issues.
    • Caveat: I wouldn’t call this a true con. I include it as one, however, as I’d hate for people to think that Modern Fertility is a fertility “cure.” It’s not. It’s about access. It’s about information and resources. It’s about empowerment (over your life and body). It’s about putting you a step closer to achieving your fertility goals — and a truly critical step at that. It can make the difference between baby and no baby. 
  • The kit does not come with an ovulation test.
    • Again, this is not really a true con. Some people aren’t actively trying to conceive, hence an ovulation test isn’t going to be relevant for a lot of us. But I still think that taking an ovulation test for a couple of cycles, even if you’re not TTC, can help give you a deeper understanding of your fertility. When in your menstrual cycle do you typically ovulate? Are you even ovulating? 
    • You can, however, purchase Modern Fertility Ovulation Tests separately (as well as Pregnancy Tests).
  • The test is not available to those living in New York, New Jersey, or Rhode Island (see my reviews of Everlywell and Let's Get Checked below for alternatives).

Modern Fertility reviews: What people are saying

The reviews of Modern Fertility are super strong across the board. I've captured a few via Amazon, where you can purchase the Modern Fertility Hormone Test for $159.

Reviews, screenshots.

modern fertility reviews

modern fertility reviews

modern fertility reviews

As the reviews attest, Modern Fertility offers accurate, informative, high-quality service.

So, What about Modern Fertility vs Everlywell and Let's Get Checked At-Home Fertility Tests?

As I mentioned at the beginning, I think Modern Fertility's test is superior to Everlywell and Let's Get Checked's at-home fertility tests. That's not to say that I think Everlywell and Let's Get Checked are subpar. They're not. They offer quality services and might even be a better fit for you. On balance, Modern Fertility offers better value. I get in to more about this below...

Everlywell Fertility Test Review

Everlywell differs from Modern Fertility in that it offering an entire suite of health tests, from Women’s Health to Men’s Health, Covid-19, General Wellness, and beyond.

The Everlywell Fertility Test ($149) analyzes the following 5 hormones:

  1. Estradiol
  2. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
  3. Luteinizing Hormone
  4. Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
  5. Total Testosterone

Everlywell has identified the above hormones as the 5 key hormones that can affect menstruation and ovulation. Their test is designed to determine "whether your levels fall within established normal ranges to provide helpful insight related to common hormonal imbalances that can impact fertility."

With the exception of Total Testosterone, Modern Fertility looks at all of these hormones PLUS Anti-Mullerian Hormone, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, and Free Thyroxine.

Modern Fertility's Hormone Test is therefore more comprehensive than Everlywell's at-home fertility test.

I've contacted MF about why they don't test Total Testosterone and will update this review as soon as I learn more.

If you choose Everylywell and you want to test your Anti-Mullerian hormone, the hormone that can tell you about your ovarian reserve levels, then you need to order Everlywell's Ovarian Reserve Test for an additional $49.

BUY Everlywell Fertility Test: $149
BUY Everlywell Ovarian Reserve Test: $49
Total: $198

Modern Fertility Hormone Test (which measures Ovarian Reserve): TOTAL $159

As you can see, Modern Fertility's test is $39 cheaper overall.

With Modern Fertility, you also get access to a one-on-one consultation with a reproductive health nurse, a huge media-media library of resources, live seminars, and a truly outstanding, supportive community of people who are on a similar journey, facing shared highs and lows, challenges and wins.

Everlywell: At-home fertility tests those living in New Jersey and Rhode Island!

If you live in New York, New Jersey, or Rhode Island, Modern Fertility is unfortunately unable to ship you at this time due to state laws. Everlywell, on the other hand, will ship to those living in New Jersey and Rhode Island, so this is a great alternative for those of you who reside in those states. New Yorkers, however, will have to continue to wait.

When you pit Modern Fertility vs Everlywell in the context of geography, Everlywell pulls ahead (for obvious reasons) for residents of New Jersey and Rhode Island.

Let's Get Checked Fertility Test Review

Again, like Everlywell, Let's Get Checked doesn't specialize in fertility tests and instead offers a wide range of health tests. You can decide if you think this is a good or bad thing. Personally, I'd rather opt for a company like Modern Fertility that is laser focused on reproductive health.

Let's Get Checked offers three reproductive health tests.

(1) The Female Hormone Test ($99) analyzes:

  • Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
  • Luteinizing Hormone
  • Estradiol
  • Prolactin

In addition to the above, Modern Fertility also tests for Anti-Mullerian Hormone, Prolactin, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, and Free Thyroxine.

Everlywell's at-home fertility test doesn't test for Prolactin but does measure Total Testosterone.

(2) The Ovarian Reserve Test ($109): As with Everlywell, if you want to test your Anti-Mullerian Hormone with from Let's Get Checked, you need to order a separate test, the the Ovarian Reserve Test.

Buy Let's Get Checked Female Hormone Test: $99.99
Buy Let's Get Checked Ovarian Reserve Test: $109.99
Total: $209.98

Modern Fertility Hormone Test (which measures Ovarian Reserve): TOTAL $159

As you can see, Modern Fertility's test is $109 cheaper overall.

You also have the option of ordering a third test with Let's Get Checked: the Progesterone Test ($89). This test needs to be taken 7 days before the start of your period and determines if you've ovulated.

Personally, however, I think a simple ovulation test (used during your fertile window), like the one from Modern Fertility that costs only $16 ($15 with subscription) is going to be sufficient for most people.

Let's Get Checked: At-home fertility tests for those living in New York!

If you live in New York, you learned earlier in this review that Modern Fertility and Everlywell are unfortunately unable to ship to you.

Well, it's time to rejoice, because you can order your Ovarian Reserve Test ($99) and Female Hormone Test ($109) from Let's Get Checked!

Thus, when you pit Modern Fertility vs Let's Get Checked in the context of geography, Let's Get Checked pulls ahead (for obvious reasons) for residents of New York.

Fertility Tests Compared: Modern Fertility vs. Everlywell vs. Let's Get Checked Reviews

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*If your state is not listed here, the company will ship to you

At-Home Fertility Tests: the Bottom Line

While I think that both Everlywell and Let's Get Checked offer high quality at-home fertility tests, my favorite when it comes to reproductive health is Modern Fertility.

Modern Fertility is a groundbreaking company focused specifically on reproductive health, and the Modern Fertility Hormone Test is a groundbreaking offering that gives women access to information about their bodies (at a low cost) so that they can take control of their fertility and their future. 

Modern Fertility's specialization in fertility, affordable cost, incredible resources, supportive community, and suite of others offerings — not to mention the glowing reviews Modern Fertility receives — is why the company is my number one choice.

I am so excited about this company and plan to share my own results as soon as possible. 

modern fertility at home fertility test


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