Stressed out, short-tempered, anxious & overwhelmed?

I can help you make simple shifts that lead to profound emotional regulation & well-being.

It’s time to soften the grip that anxiety, anger, fear, and frustration have on your life. You don’t need to go searching for expensive programs or gurus, tactics or hacks. The way forward is already within you, concealed beneath the layers of experience that have solidified around you, cutting you off from your naturally peaceful way of being. All you have to do is step back.

 And breathe. You’re in the right place.

Break free from what’s keeping you miserable

Break free from a state of perpetual fight-or-flight, which feeds the stress response, causing inexplicable physical tension + pain as well as firey emotional reactivity.

Interrupt the cycle of ruminating thoughts, which keeps you distracted at best and miserable at worst. Discover the peace + potential of a clear, concentrated mind.

Move beyond a narrow frame of mind the breeds anxiety, discontent, and the illusion of control for spacious, open awareness. This is the secret sauce for deep happiness.

Here’s how we can work together


Services that fit your needs

From 1:1 consultations to personalized yoga nidra and meditation recordings, I offer something that fit your emotional needs and budget.


My FREE training

Discover the 3 secrets for how to soften your anger, resentment, and emotional volatility. Start hardwiring your nervous system for calm.

Need more?
I have a blog!

 Love from past students

“If you’re feeling lost in misery, let me tell you, this is your ticket.”

"I'm a yeller. More accurately, I became a yeller when I had kids. It never felt right, and of course I knew it wasn't right, but I couldn't stop. It was like my anger took possession of me and everything went blank.

I was dealing with unreal levels of anxiety trying to juggle motherhood and work. I was resentful, sad, angry, super controlling. I felt like I didn’t have any extra “space” to live my life, or like I had earned the right.

After just a few days of doing these practices, I was shocked to realize how much calmer I felt. Things are only getting better and the irritability and shame spiral that was suffocating me has started to disappear!"

Sophia, Cohasset, MA

Hello, I’m Frances.

I’m so pleased that you’ve found me and my little home here in the middle of the seemingly endless sea that is the internet. I am many things, but through the Stellar Calm, I’m a meditation and yoga nidra (NSDR) teacher as well as a writer and educator. As you’ll see, I like to integrate science and art (I have backgrounds in both!) to discover simple yet powerful paths toward greater emotional well-being.